Questions to Ask Before Dental Extractions or Oral Surgery

Are you an oral surgeon?
An oral surgeon will have 7 to 8 years of professional education and training (compared to 4 years for the typical general dentist).  Three to four of those years are usually in a high intensity, full time surgical residency after receiving a dental degree.  Fewer than 5% of all dentists are oral surgeons….Do not be afraid  to ask about your dentists training and experience….well trained and qualified professionals are proud of their credentials…and its your body…

How many of these procedures do you do every year?

Time required for dental extractions and surgery can vary widely depending on factors that range from complexity of the procedure to patient management issues….as a guideline, an experienced oral surgeon should be able to manage a typical dental extraction in about 15 minutes or less.

Do all extractions need to be done by an oral surgeon?
As with obstetrics, (midwives and general practice physicians can deliver babies), well trained and qualified professionals other than specialists in this area are licenced to perform dental extractions.
As with obstetrics, because of potential problems, complications and, liability concerns, fewer and fewer non-specialists are getting involved with extractions and oral surgical procedures….  Do not be afraid to ask about training and experience with the procedure you anticipate.

Do all oral surgery procedures need to be done by oral surgeons?
Many surgical procedures  are performed by well trained and qualified specialists called periodontists. They usually work on structures (the gums and bone ) that support the teeth.  A referral from a dentist is usually required.

Many surgical procedures  are performed by well trained and qualified  root canal specialists called endodontists .They usually work on rootcanals, tooth roots and related structures.  A referral from a dentist is usually required.